Six-year-old Red’s story follows the adventures of Danger Sausage who must avoid getting caught by his enemy The Black Pudding. The comic (连环漫画) book was shared on social media after Red’s neighbour bought his book for one pound and posted pictures of it online. The comic was viewed more than 1.3 million times when it was posted on Sunday.
Red wrote, drew and stapled (用订书机订) together the comic before setting up a stall (摊位) with his sister Echo. He put up a sign saying “Comics”. Their neighbour Keri ended up buying one of the comics by putting a pound through the pair’s letterbox.
Keri then posted Red’s work on social media, which caught the attention of comic book artist Jamie Smart. Jamie said: “He absolutely knows how to make comics, how to tell stories and how to be funny with these characters. I think this is a comic-making superstar of the future.”
Jamie is best known for writing popular books such as Bunny Vs Monkey and Looshkin, which is about a blue cat causing trouble and features Danger Sausage — the character Red was inspired by. “There was a story in the third book, which we printed earlier this year, where Danger Sausage had more of a sort of James Bond kind of adventure... and I think this is where Red got the characters from,” he explained.
杰米最著名的作品是《Bunny Vs Monkey》和《Looshkin》等畅销书,Looshkin讲的是一只蓝色的猫制造麻烦,主角是“危险香肠”——雷德的灵感就来自于这个角色。他解释道:“我们今年早些时候出版的第三本书中有一个故事,危险香肠更像是詹姆斯·邦德式的冒险……我认为雷德就是从这里得到这些角色的。”。
Red’s mum says he’s an aspiring comic book writer and hopes to work with Mr Smart in the future. “But I said he’s got to tidy his bedroom first and keep it tidy.” Red is also already planning a sequel. He said: “There’s a new bad character called Timmy Pork Chop.”
雷德的妈妈说,雷德是一位有抱负的漫画作家,希望将来能和斯马特一起工作。“但我说他得先把卧室整理一下,保持整洁。”雷德也已经在计划续集了。他说:“有一个新的坏角色叫 Timmy Pork Chop。”